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Zoom Room 4
Friday, March 1, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Zoom Room 4




Clare Battista
Full Professor
Santa Monica College

Cultivating a Sense of Belonging: Integrating High-Quality Instruction and Open Educational Resources

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM


In this presentation, we will introduce and share examples of high-quality instructional design, utilizing Open Educational Resources (OER). We will cover the use of relevant content in economics to attract, represent, and retain a culturally diverse group of students. We will demonstrate how the use of structure (guiding students in how to interact with content and assessments) levels the playing field and promotes student success. We will discuss effective approaches to maintain active student engagement across a range of content.

We will demonstrate how we leverage OER to promote a student’s sense of belonging in the course, in the discipline, with their peers, and with the instructor. We will specifically address the pivotal role OER plays in promoting educational inclusivity and fostering a sense of community.

Moreover, the adaptability of OER content allows instructors to tailor content to diverse cultural perspectives, making the educational experience more relatable and inclusive. The collaborative nature of OER encourages interaction and knowledge-sharing among peers, enriching the overall learning experience.

The exemplars will come from economics courses at Santa Monica College (high transfer rate to the UCs) and Southwestern College (high transfer rate to the CSUs).
Michele Villagran
Assistant Professor
San Jose State University

Fostering a Culture of Belonging: Use of Adobe Podcast, Audition, Express Video

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Having completed San Jose University Adobe Digital Literacies Collaboratory in summer 2023, Dr Villagran incorporated Adobe Creative Cloud applications into her Cultural Competence for Information Professionals course. The Collaboratory helped Villagran explore how she could further support students in digital literacy, where they could share their own experiences and interests with cultural competence within library and information settings. Through the use of individual experimentation with Adobe Audition, Express Audio, and Podcast, students were able to deepen their understanding of fostering empathetic understanding and intellectual growth. These tools were a great starting point for students to interact with diverse platforms and use critical thinking. Villagran was able to deepen her understanding of evidence-based practices in equity-minded instruction incorporating also learning mastery assessment for students to see their progress and mastery of outcomes related to the assignment. These Adobe tools foster a culture of belonging within the classroom as students utilize a platform to voice their own diverse voices - allowing students to feel seen, heard, and valued. As the Collaboratory taught Villagran use of these tools is an approach to education that respects and values diversity, fostering an environment of mutual respect and shared learning.