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Culturally Responsive Pedagogies
Friday, February 23, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
CGI C108


Omayra Ortega
Associate Professor
Sonoma State University

Changing STEM Department Culture: Embracing Servingness

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM


What would it mean for a department to fully embody the “Serving” in its campus’s Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) designation? Whom are we serving, who is left on the margins, and what are we doing to counter prevalent practices that lead to wildly unrepresentative participation?
Transformative Inclusion in Post-Secondary STEM: Towards Justice (TIPS) is an NSF-funded effort that academic departments can use to move towards a truly Hispanic-serving vision of a radically inclusive STEM culture. The academic department is the best site for reform to change inequitable outcomes and fundamentally improve students’ experiences. If you can, bring a team from your department!

Participants will first reflect about their own academic context: What are your students’ experiences? What brought you to the workshop? How does your department talk about equity issues?
Participants will get a flavor for the three main activities of the TIPS pathway:
● Exploring students’ experiences in their classes and reflecting on relationships in the classroom
● Rehumanizing STEM through lesson study
● Investigating and challenging institutional barriers and opportunities

Participants will create an action plan to take back to their institutions to gauge the readiness for transformational change and determine what is needed to start the TIPS Pathway.