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Zoom Room 1
Friday, March 1, 2024
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Zoom Room 1




Maria Ernita Joaquin
Associate Professor
San Francisco State University

Dumb and Dumber as an AI Strategy: Generative Intelligence in Graduate Education

10:15 AM - 10:45 AM


AI is creating a lot of headaches in education -- schools are scrambling to craft policing rules whose effectiveness and implementation aren't always going to be clear at the outset. While the highest governing bodies in the world figure out how to deal with AI, a solution for school administrators is to step back, appreciate, and empower the teacher, instead of focusing on constraining student use of AI. Teachers can mitigate some of the dangers of AI in the classroom by relying on some "dumb" or "dumber" strategies that scaffold artificially-generated material around the critical concepts that must be taught. This presentation provides examples of this technique with chatGPT in graduate education.
Conrad Oh-Young
Assistant Professor
CSU Dominguez Hills

Incorporating AI Into University Special Education Courses

10:45 AM - 11:15 AM


The Spring 2020 semester was a tumultuous time for schools and universities. Many educators, some for the first time ever, were required to adapt to virtual learning. Since then, instruction has largely returned to in-person for students in both the PK-12 and university settings. However, with the widespread release and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT and Google Bard, many educators are again faced with new sets of challenges as to how to adapt their courses for this new era of instruction. This presentation will provide attendees with a description of some of the features that ChatGPT has to offer, how AI can be used in higher education to enhance teaching and learning, and how the presenters have incorporated AI into their courses.