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Student Engagement and Belonging
Saturday, February 24, 2024
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
CGI C203


Damon Moon
Lecturer Faculty with Part-Time Appointment
San Jose State University

Classroom Connections: The Art and Science of Making Friends in College

1:15 PM - 2:45 PM


Today's students often exhibit a significant lack of social skills, feeling uncomfortable in sharing their thoughts or forging new connections. This issue not only diminishes their motivation to learn but also has profound implications for mental health. The Healthy Minds Study conducted last year revealed that 44% of college students experienced symptoms of depression. Furthermore, a Cigna study in 2018 finds that 2% of college students attempted suicide within a 12-month period.

Engaging in a 5-minute conversation exercise at the beginning of each class can induce oxytocin production, aiding students in memory retention, learning, and fostering a healthy classroom community through genuine friendships.

This session will be interactive, offering a firsthand experience in building new relationships through a series of carefully curated questions designed for the audience. Participants will have opportunities to share their perspectives, mirroring how students can learn to make connections. Additionally, there will be a segment demonstrating the use of technology to facilitate these interactions.